they may be hard to dodge at first, but typically there will be a small area where you should be able to you run back and forth without taking damage, if you are caught in the middle of the attack, you're most likely not to survive.It’s been more than twenty years since those words were first heard, and they’re no less haunting. If you have any invulnerability powers, now is the time to use them. He will eventually stick his arms into the ground and multiple green circles will appear all over the battlefield.

Belial will show he's about to use this attack by moving his arms back, as if he is taking a deep breath. Now Belial's attacks will be him stiriking the ground near your hero, to dodge, stay away from the green circles that appear on the ground.Another of his powers is a acidic breath which sweeps across the whole battlefield move your hero to either end of the battlefield, and wait it out.

A massive demonic form appears where the emperor once stood. After losing about 3/4 of his health he will go to his second form. He will eventually summmon more guards after taking a certain amount of damage. He will swipe at close range, and his main ranged attack consists of throwing 3 green fireballs that attack in colums. The first stage you will be fighting Veiled Sentinels and Veiled Evokers.Īfter dealing with a couple waves of demons, Belial will join the fray himself. There are actually 3 stages to fighting Belial, but only 2 of those stages actually consist of Belial himself.