In the “Search preference name” search box, type or copy and paste the following text: But don’t worry: If you follow our instructions, you won’t have any problems. This warns you that if you change any of the settings you’re about to see without knowing what you’re doing, you might mess up your browser. You’ll see a “Proceed with Caution” message. In the address bar of any window, type about:config and hit Enter. If you want to get that behavior back, you can make a quick change in Firefox’s advanced preferences config page on Windows, Linux, and Mac. You can see that the steps are quite simple as mentioned earlier, and you can easily open a new tab as homepage in Firefox.In the old days, when you opened a new Mozilla Firefox tab, it always opened at the very end (right side) of the tab bar.
Now, click the drop-down list for the New tabs option and select Firefox Home (Default). Click the drop-down list for Homepage and new windows option and then select Firefox Home (Default) (OPTIONAL). Navigate to the New Windows and Tabs section. Now, select Options from the drop-down list. Click the Menu (three-lined) button on the top right corner of the browser screen. Step-by-Step instructions to open a new tab as homepage in Mozilla Firefox. You can open a new tab as homepage in Firefox with the help of the New Windows and Tabs option under the General settings menu. Here are some of the other changes you can make: By default, when you open a new window, you will visit the new page section. The Mozilla Firefox browser will let you make changes to the new tab page and the home page according to your own preference. It is one of the most popular features used all around the world to visit websites quicker than the usual time taken. You can open a new tab as home page in Firefox using access to different settings with just a single click. It is one of those features that can make life easy for you while you are using the Firefox browser. There is a very good feature in Firefox called the New Tab page. Firefox is probably one of the best browsers and a tough competitor to Google Chrome.