Stuck in elevator fallout 4
Stuck in elevator fallout 4

stuck in elevator fallout 4 stuck in elevator fallout 4

Some companions lose their essential status when dismissed. If they're not healed within a set period of time, or when the player travels beyond a certain distance, they will leave and return to their last used home base. If one is playing in Survival modethe companion must be healed when incapacitated, even after combat. If incapacitated, they will automatically heal after combat ends. Unlike Fallout 3companions are marked as "essential" when acting as active companions, meaning they cannot be killed. Help the Minutemen? Help the Railroad? Help the Institute? Accept a settlement quest Refuse a settlement quest. Sign In Don't have an account? 6 papa` mi fa la guerra Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. The base game has 13 companions four more are available with the AutomatronFar Harborand Nuka-World add-ons.

Stuck in elevator fallout 4